Winamp Skin: Yoshino & Yoshinon

A new skin is available and this is available from the courtesy of msdzero. If you don’t know who msdzero, I modified a lot of his Winamp skin for this blog. He is very generous to give Randomness Thing this skin and the permission to modify it.

yoshino_yoshinon_winampSkin Name: Yoshino & Yoshinon

File Size: 674 KB

Color Theme: Light Blue

Features: Play control, seek slider, song title, equalizer, playlist, media library


Note: Installation and usage of this skin can be observed on the Winamp section. Happy downloading!


10 responses to “Winamp Skin: Yoshino & Yoshinon

  1. thanks for putting this up. i really miss murderprincess when making this skin since i’m not really good at designing layout lol

  2. sorry,,how to change the font colour in main window(song title,album,and singer)..?
    I doesn’t find it anywhere..

    • It’s in player-group.xml. The id’s are songartist, songtitle, and songalbum. Change the color parameter there.
      Oh, and did you modify our skin? Send me your modified ones, okay? I want to see it. You can look for my email at author page.

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