Miko Girl Anime Wallpaper Pack

Hey, today I’m going to give you another wallpaper pack that I personally selected. So, for today’s wallpaper pack, I’m going with miko girl, which you might know is girls wearing Shinto uniform. I also included girls wearing kimono because it fits with the miko girl theme. As you might know, I love cute girls which also reveal her cool and tough side in the same time and I hope you also get the vibe with the wallpaper pack I set up. Anyway, without much far a do, enjoy these wallpapers and have a nice weekend, guys.

Zipped File Download – http://www.mediafire.com/?4dotee9uq6a7wmv. Credit to Kesuki.


4 responses to “Miko Girl Anime Wallpaper Pack

  1. Hey Souza i got a request(kind of) if you wouldn’t mind i would like that u would make lots more of wallpaper packs because they’re really good and i really like them.Also could you make it possible that you can download all the pictures from one link or something because downloading each picture is really a pain since there are lots of pictures i would like to download.Thanks and Good Luck!!!

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