Windows 7 Theme : Chain Saw Girls


In the past few weeks ,actually i’m doing some research project to make a windows 7 theme . Why windows 7 theme instead of windows 8/8.1 / 10? That’s simply ,since that is my current OS (I’m not planning to change though). As you know , i like chain saw girls and then  chain saw girls be my first model . This project finally give a fruit,after doing research in the few weeks . Well, since this is my first time make a theme windows 7 ,i don’t know if this theme good or not at last enjoy ,this theme.

Any question about installed this theme ,just ask in here


Start Menu




Name: Chain Saw Girls

File Size: 3 mb

Color Theme: White & Black

Password  :

Download :

Note: Installation and usage of this theme can be observed on the Windows 7 section.


18 responses to “Windows 7 Theme : Chain Saw Girls

  1. I remember there’s 1 patch that let you got custom taskbar instead plain windows basic when you using custom Win7 theme. But I already forgot what patch is that and I can’t find it at my folders too.

    • Actually that’s need 3 patch . The first one is to customize Start menu , The second is to customize your explorer ,and the last one is to customize personalize.
      The first is using universal theme patcher.
      Here the link
      About other two i will make tutorial later ,since that’s a bit difficult .

  2. Would definitely love to see more of these in the future (along with possible requests for future theme and/or a guide for how to make them)

    Also, how would one go about reversing the theme once it is install? Is it as simple as deleting the file/theme?

    • About request , most likely i won’t do since i have my own project in the rainmeter ,winamp,or windows 7 theme itself and quite busy at work with my real life. However maybe i will post ,when i’m make something.
      Guide how to make them? Err just try googling it i’m sure you will able to found it.
      Yup that just simple deleting file , you can delete those files in the directory C:\Windows\Resources\Themes
      hope this helps :)

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